The spiritual evolution of this planet and everyone in it is currently in a rapid state of change, a new era is emerging, and so many of us are no longer content to just go with the flow. People are waking up to the knowledge that we can be masters of our own destiny, and some are looking to the ancient cultures who have survived to show us the way forward.
Questions are being asked about how we can we break free from our restrictions and rules and regulations. How can we rise up and take charge of our own destinies when all we know is all we have been taught
What is there outside the world we know, and how can we find it and finally be free?
“You are not my enemies, you are my brothers and sisters. You did not do anything to me or my people. All that happened a long time ago in the lives of our ancestors. And, at that time I might actually have been on the other side. We are all children of the Great Spirit, we all belong to Mother Earth. Our Planet is in great trouble and if we keep carrying old grudges and do not work together, we will all die.” – Chief Seattle.
Ancient knowledge and practices from Shamanism, Wicca, Druidism and many others are being used and adapted to our modern lives to re-connect us to the worlds of Spirit.
We are re-discovering that everything in our universe has energy, consciousness, vibration and a power of its own, something the ancients have always known.
By lovingly connecting ourselves to this universal energy, we can know that everything within it has its own spirit, and is connected to everything else. Deep personal transformations can occur as we align ourselves to the loving universal consciousness, giving us back the power to create our own personal spirituality, and to KNOW spirit to the very core of our being.
“There is no one who can take our place. Each of us weaves a strand in the web of creation. There is no one who can weave that strand for us. What we have to contribute is both unique and irreplaceable. What we withhold from life is lost to life. The entire world depends upon individual choices.” – Duane Elgin.

Hi there, I’m Jackie, and I’m passionate about guiding women through the fundamentals of manifesting. With straightforward, step-by-step strategies, I empower them to move from feeling lost at the beginning of their manifesting journey to becoming super confident and clear about their direction.
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