No doubt you will have heard lots about the Law of Attraction, and if you haven’t then where have you been?!
It became more popular when the book The Secret was released in 2006.

But what is it really, and more importantly does it work?

LOA as its often referred to has been around forever, it’s not just some new fad that was created to peak people’s interest, through the years you will find. Many books and articles about it but they just don’t use the term “Law of Attraction,” but fundamentally it’s the same thing.
Napoleon Hill wrote the book Think and Grow Rich in 1937 and the basis of this is all about the power of positive thinking – in essence Law of Attraction 
However so many people just don’t get it or they say they can’t get it to work for them – that could be why you are reading this article right now? Have you tried but failed? Or you just couldn’t get what you wanted?
Ok so let’s be honest here and if you know me well you will know I don’t do BS – its straight down the line or nothing with me – In order to make Law of Attraction work you have to understand what it’s all about, so stick around and read on ⏬

The Blame Game



First and foremost let’s get “The Blame Game” out of the way – what do I mean by Blame Game?
The theory is that you attract everything to you good and bad and often with that theory people go into victim mode and start blaming themselves for everything that has ever happened in their lives and start to question everything and anything. The minute you go into victim mode and the blame game you are operating from a negative mindset which in itself is one of the reasons why LOA won’t work for us.

This isn’t about focusing on things that have happened in the past but more on focusing on what you can attract in the future – you get me?

If you’re attracting something to you that isn’t what you really want, then its time to get your thoughts aligned with what you do want to bring into your life
In simple terms let’s start to focus on what you have and would like to have rather than focusing on what you don’t have
Let’s look at your money situation (or lack of it) as an example. 
You may struggle to pay your rent and bills every month, even though you’re working really hard. So let’s assume for the purpose of this exercise that LOA is correct and that you’re attracting this struggle to you.
Does that mean you want that to be broke and can’t pay your bills? Of course not.
But it probably does mean that somewhere, somehow, you have the limiting belief within you of “not having enough” when it comes to money.
This could come from your parents who said,
 “Money doesn’t grow on trees,”
“There’s never enough to go around,”
If you grew up with these or similar messages then these will be stored within your subconscious as your truth (even though it isn’t your truth) so your subconscious does it job and attracts more lack of money to play out your truth
Fundamentally when we are talking about Law of Attraction and The Universe – we are talking about what is going on inside of you not outside of you, its about your beliefs and thoughts
Everything is energy and Energy vibrates at different levels. 
Energy is magnetic and we are magnetic. 
Like for like energy’s match up in the Universe. 
Energy will seek out a matching frequency
We are huge magnets, all our thoughts, beliefs, experiences, hopes, dreams all make up who we are and what vibration you are sending out there.
Whatever vibration you are emitting out into the Universe it will attract events, situations and people on the same vibrational frequency
That is Law of Attraction in a nutshell and there is way more to it than that but we had to start somewhere, right?
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