Let’s talk about being Spiritual, what it means to be spiritual and equally what it doesn’t mean.

Being spiritual is not all Pixies, unicorns and magic fairy dust.

It’s nice to think that you might sprinkle fairy dust or magic dust on people and fill them with gratitude but fundamentally that isn’t what being Spiritual is about at all.
There is a misconception that we sit with our crystal balls and floaty dresses and velvet table cloths or go around hugging trees all the time, now don’t get me wrong there is nothing wrong with any of this BUT….. you can however be practical and be spiritual.
I’m probably one of the most down to earth people that you will ever meet, but equally I’m very spiritual. Just because I don’t float about on this fluffy cloud and talk in ways that not everybody can understand it doesn’t mean that I’m any less spiritual. I like to keep things simple.
I want people to resonate with what I’m saying. I don’t want someone watching a video or watching one of my classes or working with me and feeling that they are not spiritual enough because they don’t know enough about things like what the fifth dimension is, or what mercury retrograde is or how the moon phases work.
These are elements of being spiritual, but they are not what make you spiritual


You don’t have to do yoga to be spiritual.
You don’t have to sit cross legged and chant OM to be spiritual.
I shared something with my Facebook group last week when I was doing a class on the 4 Clair’s – Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Clairsentience and Claircognizance – which ones do you have btw?
I was saying that when I first started on my spiritual path when I used to sit in development classes and meditation classes and they ask after coming out of meditation what our experience was and other people would say Wow it was a magical experience, I was on this flying carpet with a unicorn and we flew around the world and saw all this magical stuff. It was just amazing. Or I I’m with my Wolf in the woods.
Then it was my turn, and I would say I saw purple.
Oh Jackie, that’s brilliant. That’s really good. What else did you see? And I’d be like, that’s it just purple all I saw was purple.
For years I used to think that surely, I’m not spiritual because I don’t see anything when I close my eyes, I didn’t visualise things, so there must be something either wrong with me or maybe I’m just not meant to be on the spiritual path.
Now I have realised that this is actually my key to who I am and who I am about and how I can help other people because fundamentally you don’t need all of these things to be a spiritual person. Being spiritual for me is about knowing that I’ve got a connection to source energy, knowing that there’s more to this life than what is here now, that there’s life after death. We are spiritual beings in a human body and having a human experience.
That’s what being spiritual is. It’s about being of service to people and wanting to help and do good in the world.
It isn’t about never swearing or thinking that you can’t be kick-ass or badass.
It doesn’t make you any more spiritual by you keeping quiet for fear of rocking the boat or not speaking your mind or your truth.
The spiritual world and the spiritual realms need more people who speak from the heart, speak their truth without feeling that they’re going to be judged.
We are in a time now where we need to stand up for who we are.
And you can be whoever you choose to be
Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that you need to be something else to be spiritual. Begin by accepting who you are.
There are many amazing people and teachers out there who are full on with the fluffy clouds and pixies and unicorns and that does not make them any more of any less spiritual than me and equally no less of a good teacher and go follow those people and learn what they are teaching you.
If you want a more practical way of looking at your spirituality and blending your spirituality with your business and with your whole life and with practical strategies, then I can help you with that.
It is about really feeling who you are as a person, not who you think that you should be. That’s what being spiritual is all about. It’s what you feel from your heart space not your head space, not from the thoughts of what you’re thinking and what you should be doing and what you should be saying. Let yourself aligns with your own truth.
You don’t need to meditate every day.
If you want to meditate every day, then of course meditate every day.
But just because you don’t meditate, doesn’t make you any less or any better than anybody else. It’s about finding what works for you and what resonates with you.
The way I teach people is not for everybody. What I say to my students is you take from me what you want to take from me the rest, just leave behind.
Please don’t ever think that you need to be a certain way to be accepted in the spiritual world because that’s just so not true.
Most of all just be you!!
I would love to hear your thoughts on this
Jackie Frith

If you want to watch the video I recorded on this then
you can watch it below